Do Insurance Leads Really Work?

do insurance leads work

Short answer: They Sure Do!

We get this question on a regular basis which is the reason I decided to give it a blog post.  One potential problem with insurance leads is that they are easy to get started but they require a systematic approach to see success.

Long Answer:  They Sure Do…but the following applies.

Success factors working insurance leads:

  • Testing Is Required – Results will from source to source based on your product line and location.  Some vendors won’t be a good fit so you need to test.
  • Speed To Contact – Quick response is critical.  That means minutes, not hours.  If you don’t have someone to respond to leads as soon as they come in it will impact your conversion rate.
  • Tenacity – Most leads require several contact attempts. Be prepared to make at least 6 attempts per lead and if you don’t make contact add the lead to a drip marketing and mailing list.  Failure to make continued contact will impact effectiveness.
  • Organization – Sticky notes aren’t going to cut it.  You need to have a CRM or some other system in place to keep track of your lead info and contact attempts at a minimum.  Ideally, you will have some automation in place for follow up contacts.
  • Sales – It is not always about the lead. One’s ability to solve the prospect’s problem, present a unique solution and close the sale also matters.

The reason we get this question is that there is a lot of uncertainty about insurance leads and those that have failed are a lot more vocal than ones that have not.  The great thing about insurance leads is that they are scalable.  With the right approach, any decent lead provider that offers credits for bad leads can be profitable.

With all that being said, insurance leads are not the solution for every agent.  Everyone works differently and has a unique skill set and sometimes they don’t always match that required to work hot leads in a fast-paced manner over the phone.

This also does not mean an agent that is not a fit for online leads won’t be a great success with a massive book of business.  Not one bit.

This is why we presented some new content options in a recent poll of our readers.

To those of you that responded to the poll, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

The feedback was impressive and the results were interesting, to say the least!  What we found out was that you all are interested in almost every topic we put on the poll.  To that, we say,  “Fair Enough”. We will be mixing in a wide variety of content topics moving forward.

One item that did stick out in a big way was interest in a step by step insurance marketing guide.  Bryan is our marketing contributor and is a perfect fit for this job.

He has been working with local businesses and agencies since 2005 and knows how to take a new agent to a search result all-star in a matter of months.  He will be working up a guide and video series pulling back the curtain and revealing every step he takes from the beginning.  The content will cover website optimization, reputation management, establishing social authority, local search marketing, and national search marketing as well as local market 1st page domination.

Thanks again for all the responses and stay tuned for more!


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