About Us

Insurance Leads Guide got started in May of 2009 with the purpose of being a reference source for insurance agents and agency owners seeking to grow their business with paid and self-generated insurance leads.

The site started as a group effort. Essentially, it was to be a digital mind-share of a diverse group of experienced insurance professionals. A group that had all experienced the growing pains of managing an agency in the era of hyper-fragmented prospecting and marketing channels. The purpose of InsuranceLeadsGuide.com is to offer the most comprehensive guide for insurance lead generation and acquisition available.

As the site has evolved, the scope expanded to include new digital-marketing sources, lead generation tactics and success tools. The group effort became more defined as well with Mike and myself (Bryan) leading the publishing efforts.

In 2016, Mike made his transition to professional retiree and also moved into more of a supportive role here at ILG. Today, Insurance Leads Guide is fully managed by me, Bryan Gray.

Oddly, enough I am the only one of the initial group that was never a licensed producer. In fact, I was pulled into the insurance industry by doing favors for friends and family that needed help with their internet marketing and SEO.

Over time, I did a whole lot more. I became fascinated with the unique challenges of the space and started working on methods to optimize lead flow, source new leads and maximize lead conversion. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with numerous captive and independent agencies and producers that I am happy also to call my friends.

Seeing the inner workings of a diverse set of agencies large and small, captive and independent has provided me a unique opportunity to understand the scope of challenges in the industry today. Along with the expertise of my friends, I hope to present all Insurance Leads Guide readers with helpful knowledge and insights to grow their insurance business.

This site is in a constant state of change and growth so please check back regularly for updates. With that said, I realize that there are many agents out there that have considerable personal experience in areas we might not have covered in this guide. I welcome all comments and advice from our readers and invite you to submit your feedback through the contact page.

Thanks Again!


Bryan Gray

Lead Editor, Insurance Leads Guide